Format of the SWMM 5 Interface File

Note:  Format of the SWMM 5 Interface File


Here is an example and Figure 1 shows the format (from Iface.c in SWMM 5)


SWMM5 Interface File

This is from the 1st line of the SWMM 5 Model in the Title/Notes Section of the Data

900  - reporting time step in sec

1    - number of constituents as listed below:


1    - number of nodes as listed below:


Node             Year Mon Day Hr  Min Sec FLOW

10208            2011 02  22  00  00  00  0.000000

10208            2011 02  22  00  15  00  0.000000

10208            2011 02  22  00  30  00  0.000000

10208            2011 02  22  00  45  00  0.000000

10208            2011 02  22  01  00  00  0.000000  


Figure 1.   Graph of the lines in the SWMM 5 Interface File

