Green Roof LID Control in SWMM 5

Subject:  Green Roof LID Control in SWMM 5


I saw this on the Daily Dish,, it is an extremely green roof but a roof that can be simulated in SWMM 5.  You simulated it as a Bio Retention Cell with a Surface, Soil, Storage and an Underdrain to the Gutters of the roof.  You can also have a rain barrel connected to the gutters to storage and drain the rainfall.  


Weir and Orifice Flow Equations for a Weir in SWMM 5

Note:  Weir and Orifice Flow Equations for a Weir in SWMM 5

 If you use a weir in SWMM 5 then two flow equations are used

 1.       The weir uses the weir flow equation when the head at the weir is between the invert elevation of the weir and the crown of the weir and

 2.      An orifice equation when the head is above the weir crown or the weir is submerged.

Infiltration Data in SWMM 5

Subject:  Infiltration Data in SWMM 5

If you are using Non linear Reservoir Modeling in SWMM 5 there are

1.   Five parameters for Horton Infiltration,

2.   Three parameters for Green-Ampt and

3.   Two parameters for CN infiltration, one parameter (conductivity) has been deprecated by the EPA in SWMM 5.   The Drying Time is used to regenerate the Infiltration Rate for continuous simulation.  Only two parameters are now used for CN infiltration:  The CN value itself and the drying time. 

A feedback loop involves four distinct stages.

A feedback loop involves four distinct stages. First comes the data: A behavior must be measured, captured, and stored. This is the evidence stage. Second, the information must be relayed to the individual, not in the raw-data form in which it was captured but in a context that makes it emotionally resonant. This is the relevance stage. But even compelling information is useless if we don’t know what to make of it, so we need a third stage: consequence. The information must illuminate one or more paths ahead. And finally, the fourth stage: action. There must be a clear moment when the individual can recalibrate a behavior, make a choice, and act. Then that action is measured, and the feedback loop can run once more, every action stimulating new behaviors that inch us closer to our goals, From Wired Magazine