SWMM 5.0.021 has 16 Overall Modeling Objects

Subject:  SWMM 5.0.021 has 16 Overall Modeling Objects


SWMM 5.0.021 has 16 Overall Modeling Objects divided into 4 categories:


1.   General

2.   Subcatchments

3.   Nodes

4.   Links


The objects in the General category can be applied to more than one category. For example, you can simulate pollutants either at a node or at the subcatchment level.


The objects are:

1.           Gage

2.           Links

3.           Shape

4.           Transect

5.           Nodes

6.           Unit Hydrograph

7.           Time Pattern

8.           Subcatchments

9.           Snowmelt

10.                Aquifer

11.                LID

12.                Landuse

13.                Pollut

14.                Curves

15.                Time Series

16.                Controls

Figure 1.  Modeling Objects in SWMM 5.0.021



