Cutoff Divider in the SWMM 5 Kinematic Wave Solution

Subject: Cutoff Divider in the SWMM 5 Kinematic Wave Solution


A divider node in the SWMM 5 Kinematic Wave solution will divide the inflow to a node for two downstream links based on three criteria:


1. Cutoff Divider,

2. Tabular Divider, and

3. Weir Divider


The rule for a Cutoff Divider is that the flow up to the Cutoff Flow will flow down the undiverted link and any flow over the cutoff flow will go down the diverted link. If the total inflow to a node the current flow in the undiverted link then the extra flow will go down the diverted link even though the flow in the undiverted link is not equal to the cutoff flow.


Figure 1.  How the Cutoff Divider Works in SWMM 5

SWMM 5 Slope Rules

Note: SWMM 5 Slope Rules


The relationship between the upstream and downstream node invert and offset elevations, the input conduit length and the slope used in the SWMM 5 simulation are shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1.  Slope, length and elevation drop relationship relationships in SWMM 5.

Adverse sloped links in SWMM 5 or InfoSWMM

Subject:  Adverse sloped links in SWMM 5 or InfoSWMM


This is how an adverse sloped link is treated in SWMM 5 or InfoSWMM – the link is reversed so that the link now has a positive slope and the original upstream node is now the downstream node. The flow in the reversed link is now negative as it moves from the original Node A to Node B and the flow is positive if the flow moves from the original node B to Node A.

Figure 1.  How Adverse Sloped Links are Treated in SWMM 5.